50th Aniversary of the March on Washington

March on Washington

nathan mark phillips

This weekend marks the 50th aniversary of the March on Washington.  This event was one of many tipping points in the struggle for equal rights for African Americans

My collage is my tribute to this event.  The images of the leaders of this march are two separate photographs that I superimposed (not all of the leaders were captured at the same time).  Philip Randolph was sitting, front and center, and is therefore in both photographs (both images were captured by the US Park Service) .  Words of President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address overlay the work.

Civil Rights in America is always evolving.  I am thankful for Dr. King and celebrate his example of the effective impact of social, non-violent resistance.

B'Easy in Rain

It is summer in Florida, which means very hot and very humid...our puppy didn't care about all that and so enjoyed being outside..... 

B"Easy in Summer Rain

Morean Arts Center, Members' Show

Photograph by Lyman D. Zobell

As a proud member of the Morean Arts Center, I entered my work, "The Arrival" in this year's members show.  If you are in the St. Petersburg area and love art, you will be impressed with the amazing quallity of work that is in this show.  While you are at it, you should consider becoming a member of the Center as it is a hub for the encouragement and training of the Arts in the Tampa Bay area. 

I'm equally proud that "The Arrival" will be one of many that I am submitting the the folks at New Lit Salon Press in their upcoming publication, "Southern Gothic Anthology."  The quality of the written stories that have been submitted for the publication is amazing and equally compelling.  

Please click here for my previous blog posting of "The Arrival."




According to Wikipedia, a peephole is, "a small opening through which one may look."

the arrival


​the arrival

My work above is a composition of old family photographs and stock images.  Separate pictures of my mother, grandmother and great grandfather were used to create, "the arrival."

attack of the drones


​attack of the drones

I completed this a few months ago when "drones" were in the news....​

the dreams of doctor dolittle


​the dreams of doctor dolittle

The work above, "the dreams of doctor dolittle," depicts him older and still dreaming...​

Catherine A. Hickman Theater of Gulfport, Florida


​photograph by Lyman Zobell

Currently twenty-two pieces of my work are on display in the lobby of the Catherine A. Hickman Theater of Gulfport, Florida.  Included in the display are nine of my, "Psychedelic" series and all four of my "Fish in Space."  If you make the trip down, I  highly recommend that you coordinate your visit to see the play, "A Flea in Her Ear," which is being performed by the Gulfport Community Players.

Eve, Garden of Eden


​Eve, Garden of Eden

"Eve," is the second of my, "Eden" series on the Fall.  In biblical mythology, she is seduced by the serpent.  I see her as constricted, by the serpent, in her awareness of the consequenses of her choices; in the Fall, she becomes one with her choice and the serpent: truly, we humans can all relate to her in this moment of choice.

Stock photography is used in the creation of this work.  In addition, works of Michaelangelo and Heemskerck are also used.​

Adam, Garden of Eden


​Adam, Garden of Eden

In traditional art of the Fall in the garden of Eden, there is the "bite" taken out of the apple.  I see it differently:   I see Adam devouring the apple, and afterwards, realizing the consequences of his actions and is more angry than ashamed. Sketches from Michelangelo's "Adam" are used in my collage as well as other stock photography. 

Triptych, November 22, 1963


​Dallas, November 22, 1963

Regardless of political convictions, November 22, 1963 is one of the significant events of the previous generation (I believe September 11, 2001 is this generation's)​.  Like all major events, JFK's assasination is rich in tragety, symbolism and conspiracy theories.  Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis' persona continues to remain an enduring and appropriate pop culture symbol of strength and beauty during the this event. 

Tiping Point, 1963


Another from this weekend that highlights the historical/cultural event of November 22, 1963

The Success and Passion in the Arts...


Me with my latest work, "Planetary Contemplations." Photograph by Elizabeth Gordon

My friend Betsy Gordon wrote an article about my experience as an Artist this past year.  Betsy is not only a close friend, but a true mentor who has had great influence on my own progress as an Artist.  If you love Art, I encourage you to follow her blog.  If you want to read her article about me you may find it here, at Rabbit's Moon Studio Blog.

The Royals


My latest work, entitled, "The Royals," are composed of 19th Century drawings with more current human faces included in the collage.  Click here or on the image above to see both the King & Queen.